Sunday, February 24, 2013

challenged. whats invading your spirit

so this morning a kids princess show was on and i was getting breakfast.. 
ava asked me a few times to change the channel but i was in the middle of eggs and just didnt get in  fast enough... 
soon i hear loud singing and jack and ella protesting and walked in to the living room to see ava singing 

" no sweeter name than the name of Jesus"
.. and waving her arms in front of the tv... 

after i asked what in the world.. she calmly and matter of factly replied.

 "actually mommy, jesus made me to tell people that pretend magic is ok but real magic is not. and this show is not pretend. it makes me tummy hurt and me didnt want the kids.( jack & ella) to learn about it. so me sang them a song and waited for you. "

i changed the channel. 

and we prayed together- and my sweet 3 year old asked Jesus to take that show out her mind and out of the "kids" minds. 

oh Ava im so sorry for not being more sensitive to the things that are invading your spirit.. 

Thank you Lord for hearing my hearts cry and binding my babies hearts to Yours.. for letting them hear Your voice... 

May You continue to speak Your will over Avas life and the call You have already placed upon her heart. 

challenged. totally.

like arrows in the hands of a warrior..our children need to be shaped well....

oh Lord- forgive me and lead me

1 comment:

The Saxophone Player's Wife said...

Wow. This is really...AWESOME! You have proof positive that you are raising your little ones well. You cannot be there every moment, but you are equipping them to honor and fear God and His holiness. That is so great! Well done, Mom!