Sunday, September 15, 2013

just things they say

 daddy is named daddy and hes a daddy and his name is daddy and he IS a daddy hes our daddy and his name is is that???? we gotta find daddy a name.

mommy: remember daddys name is dan!

ava: oh my .. me soo embarassed i have to pee now. ( runs to potty)

mommy- me love you and you are so beautiful and me love your skin and you smell like butter and jelly and thats my favorite.

me supposed to eat a sandwich right now...

 me missed you!
 me do it!
 jack following me!
 vava hug!
 baby snuggle me.
 ruff ruff so scary
 ocean! cold! nope!
 daddy fix it
 oh ella! oh me.....
 come mommy kitchen..snack me hungry.. ouch tummy empty
sausage!!!! bacon!!!! breakfast! yes! oh wow
flop flop. shoes!
rub it ( stir it)
shake ( salt)

 "oh mommy your legs are so soft - me love them mommy."

ava: (after i strongly encouraged her to try and go potty before bed)
"thats it- im pulling up my undies. ( folds arms) ava is done with this business!!!!"

 "Oh me....shaking her little head..."
after i see her mess and say Oh Ella!!!