Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Ava:....walks casually into room..."actually? .i pooped."
Ava in bathroom putting on my deodorant...looks up at me.. Don't worry mama I'm nice and fresh!

Jack wandering around playing air guitar " just like pop"

Ella scooting across the floor.. so fast! trying to get you- how she hugs... !

 things we love:

grilling outside
the sprinkler
red beans in a wrap
the park in newburyport
" o happy day"
playing drums and flute
reading princess books


just want to take a minute to record so i remember and our children always know..
 dan - i love you. i love your hard working - pain in the neck leaving your shoes all around the house- gentle self.. i love you how you kiss me goodbye every morning with a tight squeeze with both arms around me. i love when you kiss our babies on the lis and call them their special names.. i love that you bought me a steam vacuum cleaner and a dust buster when i needed cheering up. i love how you tuck the babies in and tend to there nighttime cries. i love you eyes across the room.  i love you more and more and more. crazy in love.

Friday, July 27, 2012


Dear Ava
You are the funniest girl today.
When you didn't get the second lollipop (yummy earth organic) you wanted .. You stamped your little barefoot and alternated folding you'd arms / putting your hands on your hips... Saying ooooo me so frustrated.. NEVERMIND mama.. NEVERMIND. .

I love you my fierce girl.

Ps- we recovered by playing a fabulous game of " imagination"...together- you made md pretend breakfast.. You described the cups plates and food in great detail and used sound effects!! Love you bluebird.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Spent the morning in Newburyport... Playground.... Hot dog stand... Ice coffee - such fun!


i have a dream for my girls... a dream for my little man...

i have plans for them- i watch them everyday and feel like i can see their future... 

jack is my music man.. he's always drumming and playing air guitar- is so sensitive to the Spirit.. cries when songs sound melancholy or sad... is a worshipper....but knows how to use his cute little charm in just the right way... my cowboy
( lord bind his heart to yours!!! - may purity be his) 

already ella is  music girl after my own heart.. lights up and bebop's to a good song.. puts her head down and soaks in the slow sweet sounds...
she's shaping up to be a strong personality- with a  killer smile. my firefly.

and my ava. my bluebird... such dreams i have for her...
 she's so sensitive to the beautiful things around her- so thoughtful and inquisitive..her view on life is like the ocean... 

 but my heart was seriously challenged this morning.. wondering what the future holds for her... wondering ( and thinking the worst) how her sensory needs will change and stretch or limit her  

and my God . my beautiful God in His strength and in His grace...
( thank you Lord for your Grace!)
quieted my heart and put my narrow view of His perfect plan
 in front of me face and spoke into my spirit.. 

" I have a plan for Ava West"
" I have a plan for Jack Sullivan"
"I have a plan for Ella Victory"

so gentle. so powerful.
who am i? 
so good to trust an all powerful God .
 a god who is my Saviour.. again and again and again.

thankful for His perfect plan. His perfect design.

Friday, July 13, 2012

more things i don't want to forget:
jacks eartube surgery " i hear you mama"

ella sharing

avas 1st day of preschool

breakfast picnics outside

feeding the chickens