sooo.. enough of my complaining..........( 41 more days in case you forgot...)
in other news.....
my little bluebird is almost 2!! i cant believe it..seems like just yesterday i was laughing as she entered the world... everynight before bed i tell her a little story and end it with.. Jesus wanted mama to know that He heard her prayers and He loves her very much so Jesus decieded to send her a miracle.. a little bluebird named ava!!!...
ava loves it & i love to remind her that our God does hear us! and she is my tangible miracle!!!
avas favorite things:
doing everything herself
kissing everyone and everything she loves
going for walks..looking for birds (cheeep cheeps) ..and chasing ants
rubbing the babybelly
dada and papa ( lots of love for gigi -britney and mama too)
teaching jack to walk........
and calling auntie val or uncle do (la) on the phone
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