Thursday, September 8, 2011

ELLA VICTORY a birth story part 2

...noontime rolled around and my sandman arrived at the hospital.. we made our way to the birthing center and i felt strangely calm and peaceful... got settled in our room and laughed and joked around - all the while i was having contractions.. at 2 pm the doc came in and quickly broke my water... said i was 6 cm dilated and to get ready!!  i bounced on the birthing ball and made Dan tell me jokes..
 Papa bear arrived with Aunt Cathy and the Babies.. i was so happy to see them.. we hung out and ate lemon ice..Ava held my hand and we walked around till the room got incredibly hot and ( it was the one room in center without air!!!) the contractions started pushing me to a quiet inner place.. finally around 3:30pm i said goodbye to my sweet jack and Ava.. and things started getting serious....

 the contractions were now waves on top of waves and each one was bringing me deeper and deeper into myself.. i was leaning on one side of the bed and Dan was on the other holding my hand.. i looked at his baby blues and told him i thought i was transitioning and it was almost time.. he laughed and said.. you have a long way to go babe.. but i knew...
the nurse brought in 2 old office desktop oscillating fans.. click click click....with each wave i was getting hotter and hotter.. felt like the room was suffocating me.. at 4:30ish i was completely engulfed in wave after hot wave..needed the hospital gown off...felt strangely hungry- told Dan and he laughed... 

 couldn't believe the deep peace i felt through it all.. was so relieved that our wonderful nurse didn't talk alot..:) or push any pain management.. just left me to work though everything with Dan ...the doc came in..
at this point i was barely hanging on.. needed to push - needed to see my little girl... 10 cm.. doc said whenever your ready...

holding Dans hand and waiting for the next wave to cover me i pushed  curling into myself and just grabbing onto the peace inside..the song in my heart was "all to you i surrender...everything every part of me..."
felt so incredibly strong and connected to my sandman and our new little girl...4:55pm... could hear Dan telling me she had so much hair.. one more push babe.. shes almost here.. shes beautiful.. and i felt her head.. her little ears.. and then time stood still.. all the gloriously painful waves pushing my body to birth this baby stopped and i was pushing on my own.. in slow motion i saw 8 or 9 nurses run into the room.. they lowered my bed and made me lay down.. my back was screaming and i just wanted her out.... little girl was stuck.. head out for 2 minutes.. doc and nurses manipulated my hips and pelvic bones to release her shoulder ( breaking her little collar bone and dislocating her shoulder/ stretching the nerves  in the process)

later Dan would tell me her thought our little one was gone - the doctor looked so serious and he was thinking how can i tell Stacie the baby's gone...


one more push ...i asked Dan to pray - he said he was... i told him to pray louder....
my husband prayed loudly to our faithful God to be with us one more time.. to watch over mama & baby one more time.. "o God you brought us this far...please.." and
arrived....10 lbs 1 ox..21 1/2 inches long..
quiet and peaceful.. instantly nursing and content... so beautiful.
my heart just overflowed with joy and trust and thankfulness..
what a journey we had been on together.. me and my little firefly.. my gift of victory girl....

(had trouble birthing the placenta.. had an inverted uterus.. was hemorrhaging.. all a painful blur and not important because i knew know my Gods promises are true.)

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