Friday, June 15, 2012

took my cowboy jack to the end doc today ..finally....8 ear infections in 7 months!!!! poor little man.. we had the best time together despite his constant pulling on his ears saying
ouchie mama..jesus heal please?

during the hearing test he kept saying 'so scary mama so so scary mama.. need daddy come fix it mama.. so scary...' so sweet

he just loves pop these days especially. pop and his g-tar..

I'm thinking ( and praying) that my jack will be a music man for sure... a catchy commercial will stop him in his tracks....any singing gives him cause to bust out his little air g-tar.....and his favorite game is deciding who plays what imaginary instrument... ava drums.. mama...violin... ella do re mi (piano)..."me jack..gtar!!"
songs of the moment 'o happy day you washed my sin away" (kim walker) and jack can be found alone rocking back and forth singing " no sweeter name than the name of jesus" (kari jobs)

watched him fall asleep in the car after a long doc visit . and am just marveling at his perfect lashes and his sweet lips and his amazing heart.

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