Monday, November 19, 2012


so i blog. all alone over here on my little corner on the world wide web- i blog....
 with good intentions of printing a blurb book for memories sake. 

but here i am opening up my quiet blog doors to get all kinds of crazy linking up with jami nato ...blogger extraordinare - a source of encouragment to me...

to find the Gospel on the radio learn all about it here... 

Our God is big and He speaks to us in unusual ways....

heres one of my entries:

go here ( or IG hashtag #letsgetpraisy) & check out the awesomeness...Be Encouraged!!! and amazed...

( and make dinner first cause you will get sucked in and time will flyyyyy.......)

and vote here for your favorite!!!


MandGrenade said...

I've been following the letsgetpraisy competition, yours is AWESOME!

Stacie said...

Thanks! I'm loving this whole letsgetpraisy thing!