Tuesday, July 24, 2012


i have a dream for my girls... a dream for my little man...

i have plans for them- i watch them everyday and feel like i can see their future... 

jack is my music man.. he's always drumming and playing air guitar- is so sensitive to the Spirit.. cries when songs sound melancholy or sad... is a worshipper....but knows how to use his cute little charm in just the right way... my cowboy
( lord bind his heart to yours!!! - may purity be his) 

already ella is  music girl after my own heart.. lights up and bebop's to a good song.. puts her head down and soaks in the slow sweet sounds...
she's shaping up to be a strong personality- with a  killer smile. my firefly.

and my ava. my bluebird... such dreams i have for her...
 she's so sensitive to the beautiful things around her- so thoughtful and inquisitive..her view on life is like the ocean... 

 but my heart was seriously challenged this morning.. wondering what the future holds for her... wondering ( and thinking the worst) how her sensory needs will change and stretch or limit her  

and my God . my beautiful God in His strength and in His grace...
( thank you Lord for your Grace!)
quieted my heart and put my narrow view of His perfect plan
 in front of me face and spoke into my spirit.. 

" I have a plan for Ava West"
" I have a plan for Jack Sullivan"
"I have a plan for Ella Victory"

so gentle. so powerful.
who am i? 
so good to trust an all powerful God .
 a god who is my Saviour.. again and again and again.

thankful for His perfect plan. His perfect design.

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