o my sweet babies..always growing and changing and delighting daddy and I. we see you with such wonder and joy!
Ava West:
31 months! 31 lbs & 35 inches tall!
sleeping 7-5:30am...
favorite foods: eggs.bacon. freeze pops. rice milk & chocolate almond milk.
loves to: read books ( you know so many by heart! ) snuggle with Ella. color with Jackboy. spin and twirl and run and crash. push ur baby stroller all around house. loves cinderella. always wants to dance now?
loves fiercely. big helper . problem solver. full of wonder. my bluebird.
Jack Sullivan:
19 months. 24 lbs & 31 inches tall!
sleeps 6pm- 6am....loves to go night night.. gives great kisses and sweet hugs.
favorite foods: everything!!! sweet potatoes and 3 bean chili! chocolate almond milk
loves to: read books.. stand on the couch .. climb up up upppp..brush teeth and play air guitar.. cars.
has a sweet and sensitive spirit to the things of God.. a worshipper. my joyful jack.
Ella Victory:
5 months. 23 lbs & 29 inches long..( watch out jack)
good sleeper..good eater.. inquisitive...happy.. quickest smile.. such a snuggle bug...rolls from
back to tummy.. reaches for everything.. just got a tooth!!! loves to watch her brother and sister dance.. laughs and talks up a storm... knows her mama... my gift of peace.. my little firefly.